dastan ashura

The Story of Ashura, Part 2

Imam Husayn remained in Medina the next day. In the afternoon, Walid sent some of his men after him, but the Imam requested an extra day’s respite. That night he secretly left Medina for Mecca.

Before leaving Medina, the Imam went to the Prophet’s shrine and bade him farewell.

His sister Zaynab, his sons Zayn al-Abedin and Ali Akbar, his brother Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas and a group of his nephews, cousins and relatives accompanied him to Mecca.

It was in the early days of Sha’ban, in the year 60 A.H., when Imam Husayn and his entourage reached Mecca.

The residents of Mecca, including the prominent Muslim personages, rushed to greet the Imam.

In the other great city of the Islamic empire, Kufah, people were celebrating the death of Mu’awiyah.

The shi’ah of Kufah gathered in the house of Sulayman ibn Surad to discuss the situation.

– “As you already know, Mu’awiyah is dead and Husayn has refused to pay allegiance to Yazid, his ignorant son. Are you not the followers of Husayn and his father Ali? So let us write to him that we are prepared to fight for him. But, be careful; if you fear Yazid on account of which you may abandon Husayn, then do not delude him with dishonest letters.”

– “We’ll do anything he commands. We won’t refrain from any sacrifices for him.”

– “We have no one else to be our leader except him. We’ll send him a letter at once, inviting him to Kufah.”

– “No; we will never bow to Yazid; never.”

– “Never! Only death could stop us from fighting the enemies of Husayn.”

So the people of Kufah gathered in small and large numbers to compose their letters to the Imam. The Imam received about a hundred and fifty letters, in all of which he was asked to travel Kufah so as to assume their leadership.

– “From Shabath ibn Rib’I, Hajjar ibn Abjar, Urwah ibn Qays, and others; to Husayn ibn Ali. Verily, the gardens of Kufah are lush and the trees abounding with fruits. So hasten toward an enormous and well-equipped army ready to support you.”

– “In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Please, come to us, for everyone longs for your arrival. You are the only legitimate caliph in their eyes. So, Hasten! Hasten! Hasten!”

Seeing the constant commute of the messengers bringing him letters from Kufah, he thus replied, “I have received your letters and am sending my cousin, Muslim ibn Aqil, to you. Should he advise me that the views and opinions of your wise and learned men are in agreement with what you have professed in your letters, then, by the will of God, I will soon be with you.”

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