From Mecca to Karbala

The Twenty-Fifth Station: Niynawa (Karbala)


TIME OF ARRIVAL: On Thursday, on Muharram 2nd Karbala means softness. It was a land full of thorns having soft soil and had a very short distance to Euphrates. SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS: Stopping the caravan from going further by the order of Hurr ibn Yazid al-Riyahi after receiving the letter of Ubaydallah ibn Ziyad; The Imam’s expression of his martyrdom …

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The Twenty-Forth Station: Qasr Bani Muqatil


TIME OF ARRIVAL: Muharram 1st, 61 A.H. There was a palace (qasr) belonged to Muqatil ibn Hasan ibn Tha’labah in this region between Ayn Al-Tamr and Qutqutaniyyah SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS: The meeting between Imam Husain (PBUH) and Ubaydullah ibn Hurr Ju’afi (Imam Husain invited him to join them but he refused.); Anas ibn Hārith’s joining to the caravan

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The Twenty-First Station: Baydhah


TIME OF ARRIVAL: Dhu al-Hijjah, 28th It was between Uzayb al-Hijanat and Waqisah and belonged to Bani Yarbu’ ibn Handhalah. Baydhah means white and bright. This station was flat, wide and without any plant, so it was called Baydhah. SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS: Delivering a deep meaningful and popular sermon by Imam Husain (PBUH) for the companions along with Hurr ibn …

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The Twenty-second Station: Uzayb al-Hijanat


TIME OF ARRIVAL: Dhu al-Hijjah, 28th Uzayb has derived from Uzab meaning sweet water and Hijanat is the plural of Hijan meaning a humble and selected camel. SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS: A seven-member group’s joining to the caravan including Nafi’ ibn Hilal guided by a camel rider named Tirimmah ibn Uday

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