
The birthday of zainab

Zainab (AS)

The blissful child
Veracious Fatima (AS) gave the birth to her blissful baby, no other woman like her was born during the Islamic era due to her faith, honor, purity, chastity, and Jihad.
The Household (AS) and all companions received her with lots of happiness and delight. The Imam recited Athan (calling for prayers) in her right ear and recited Eqama (announcing the beginning of prayers) in her left. The first voice she has ever heard was “Allah Akbar, La Elah Ela Allah: God is Greatest, there is no God but Allah”. These words are the goals of the prophets and the jewels of the worlds values. These great words found a strong ground in the inner self of lady Zainab.
The prophet knew what will happen his granddaughter of cruel disasters which would make a mountains melt. She will be tested with matters than no other woman had. Therefore its normal, the gate of his wisdom –Ali- (AS) to share the pain and sadness of the prophet.
Zahra (AS) carried her blissful baby to the Imam and he took her and started to kiss her frequently. Then she looked at him and said: “Name this newborn..” The Imam answered politely and humbly: ” I would not precede the messenger of Allah …”
The Imam Asked the Prophet to name her and he said ” I would not precede my God..” Then, the angel came down to the Prophet and said to him:” Name her Zainab. Allah has chosen this name for her…” Then he told him what will his daughter face of horrible disasters and events. Then, he and his householders began to cry (3).

Her epithets
Aqilat Bani Hashim: The Arabic ‘Aqialah’ means the gentlewoman who is honorable among her people and venerated in her house.
Lady Zainab was such an honorable and virtuous lady that all her descendants have been called Banu al-Aqilah- sons of the gentlewoman.

Al-Alimah: For her supreme knowledge, Lady Zainab was called ‘al-‘Alimah’ -the knowledgeable female. Historians have confirmed that she was an authority for Muslim ladies who used to refer to her in their religious affairs.

Abidatu Ale-Ali: the worshiper of Ali’s family
Lady Zainab was recognized also as being distinguished worshipper among Muslim ladies. Some narrators stated, she didn’t forget the supererogatory prayers during the hardest and the most horrible night of the eleventh of Muharram.

Al-Kamilah: ( the perfect) She is the most perfect woman in Islam after her mother and grandmother Khadija because of her virtue, honor, chastity, and purity of sins.

Al-Fadhilah: Because of her great Jihad, service for Islam, and steadfastness for sake of Allah, Lady Zainab’s virtue has exceeded all limits, therefore, she was proudly conferred with the epithet of ‘al-Fadhilah -the virtuous.

The year she was born
Historians and narrators differ about the year Aqilat Bani Hashim was born. These are some of their states:
1. 5th in the month of Jemada-Alola.
2. the second year of Hijra
3. 9th but Sheikh Ja’far Naqdi impugned that and said ” this saying was not right because Fatima (AS) died after her father in the 10th year or 11th, depends on the differences of the narrations.

Hoping be good follewers of Lady Zeinab.

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