Supplications, Warith Supplication
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Ibn Qawlawayh, in his book titled “al-Mazar” records the following on the authority of Safwan:
I asked Imam as-Sadiq, peace be upon him, to permit me to visit (the holy tomb of) my master Imam as-Hussain, peace be upon him, and also asked him to guide me what to do. The Imam said to me:
“O safwan, before you begin your journey to visist the tomb of Imam Husayn, you should fast for three days and, on the third day, wash yourself gather your family members, and recite (the Du’a): o Allah, I keep with yu… etc.”
Imam as-Sadiq, peace be upon him, then taught Safwan a Du’a to be recited near the River Euphrates.”
He, peace be upon him, then said:
“Wash yourself in the River Euphrates, for my father, on the authority of his father, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace be uopn hi and his family, said:
After my demise, my son (al-Hussayn) will be killed on the band of the Euphrates. He who washes himself in that river (intending to visit the tomb of al-Hussayn) will have all of his sins eradicated as if he has just been born by his mother.”
Imam as-Sadiq, peace be upon him, then said:
As you wash yourself in the river, recite the following:
(I begin) by the Name of Allah and (I seek help) from Allah. O Allah, (I beseech to You to) make this water for me as light, purification, shelter, and remedy from every malady, ill, epidemic, or defect. O Allah, purify my heart through this water, expand my affair easy to me.
When you finish washing yourself, put on two dresses and offer a two-Rak’at (unit of prayer) prayer not very far from the band of the river. That is the very place about which Allah said:
And in the earth there are tracts side by side and gardens of grapes and corn and palm trees baving one root and (others) having distinct roots—they are watered with one water, and We make some of them excel others in fruit. (The Holy Qur’an; Sura of ar-Ra’d 13:4.)
As you finish your prayer, direct towards Hair with tranquility and solemnity. As you walk, try to make short steps, for Allah, Exalted is He, shall record for you the reward of Hajj (holy pilgrimage to Mecca-obligatory in definite conditions and season) and Umrah (recommended pilgrimage to Mecca). Try to be pious-hearted with tearful eyes. Recite as much as possible Takbir (saying Allahu Akbar-Allah is the Most Great), Tahlil( saying La ilaha illa (a)llah-Ther is no god but Allah), statements of praising Allah and sending blessings on Muhammad and his family in general and blessings on Husayn in particular, and cursing those who killed him and those who were the main reason beyond so.
At the door of Hair, stop and recite.
Allah is, verily, the Most Great, very much thanks is due to Allah, and praise Allah in morns and eves. All praise is due to Allah Who guided us to this, and we would not have found the way had it not been that Allah had guided us; certainly the apostles of our Lord brought the truth.”
Then, you should recite:
” Peace be upon you, o the Messenger of Allah.
Peace be upon you, o the prophet of Allah. Peace be upon you, o the seal of the prophets.
Peace be upon you, o the chief of the Messengers (of Allah). Peace be upon you, o the Beloved of Allah.
Peace be upon you, o the commander of the faithful ones.
Peace be upon you, o the master of the prophets successors. Peace be upon you, o the leader of the white-forheaded and white-footed ones (on the day of Resurrection).
Peace be upon you, o son of Fatimah the chiefess of the women of this world.
Peace be upon you and upon the Imams from your progeny.
Peace be upon you, o the successor of amiral-Muminin(the commander of the faithful ones).
Peace be upon you, o veracious and shahid(martyr).
Peace be upon you, o Angels of Allah who reside in this holy shrine.
Peace be upon you, o mylordsAngels who surround the tomb of al-Husayn, peace be upon him.
Peace be upon all of you forever as long as there are day and night.”
You should then say:
” Peace be upon you, o Abu Abdullah.
Peace be upon you, o son of the Messenger of Allah.
Peace be upon you, o son of amir al-Muminin.
I am your slave and son of your slave and bondmaid.
I confess of my servantship to you, acquit from being opposite to you, accede to anyone who accede to you, and antagonizes him who antagonizes you. I direct towards your holy shrine, seed shelter of your (burial) place, and seek nearness to you through directing to you.
O the Messenger of Allah, may I enter?
O Amir aloMu’minin, may I inter?
O the chief of the prophets successors, may I enter? O Fatimah the chiefess of the women of the world, may I enter?
O my master Abu Abdullah, may I enter?
O my master and son of the Messenger of Allah, may I enter?
If you feel you heart has become submissive and your eyes have become tearful, then that will be the sign of permission to enter. You then should enter and recite:
“All praise is due to Allah the one, the unique, the single, the Absolute who guided me to be loyal to you, gave me exclusively the change to visit your tomb, and made it easy for me to direct to you.”
You should then come near the door of the dome from the Imam’s head’s side and recite:
Peace be on you, O the inheritor of Adam the sincerely attached friend of Allah!
Peace be on you, O the inheritor of Noah, the prophet of Allah!
Peace be on you, O the inheritor of Abraham, the intimate friend of Allah!
Peace be on you, O the inheritor of Jesus who received peace, joy, and mercy from Allah!
Peace be on you, O the inheritor of Muhammad, the dearest beloved of Allah!
Peace be on you, O the inheritor of Amir ul-Mu’minin, peace be upon him.
Peace be on you, O the son of Muhammad al-Mustafa!
Peace be on you, O the son of Ali al-Murtaza!
Peace be upon you, O the son of Fatimah al-Zahra!
Peace be on you, O the Khadijah al-Kubra!
Peace be on you, O he whose blood-claimer is Allah, He is the blood-claimer of your father also, as those who persecuted you, your relatives and friends have not been punished for the crimes.
I bear witness that verily you established the prayers, gave the zakat (prescribed share) to the needy, commanded to do what is right and lawful, not to do that which is wrong and unlawful, obeyed Allah and His Messenger till the inevitable came unto you.
So, Allah condemns those who killed you to eternal punishment; Allah casts those who maltreated you into Hell, Allah damns those who heard the event and rested satisfied.
O My Master, O Abu Abdullah! I bear witness that verily you were a light in the sublime loins and purified wombs; the impurities of ignorance did not even tough you, nor could its soiled and dirty bearing ever smear you.
I bear witness that, verily, you are the mainstay of the religion, and the supporter of the faithful ones.
I bear witness that, verily, you are a pious, God-fearing, favorite, wise, and rightly guided (Imam).
I bear witness that the Imams, in your progeny, are the words of wisdom, the signs of guidance, the safe handle of Islam, and the decisive argument for the humankind.
I call Allah to give witness, and also His Angels, His Prophets, His Messenger, that, verily, I believe in (all of) you, that I am sure of your Return, joined to the divine laws of my belief, and my accomplishments; my mind and soul resigned to your obedienc, my conduct following the example of your behavior.
Blessings of Allah be on (all of) you, on your souls, on your bodies, on your forms, (when) you are in view, (when) you are out of sight, on your style, and on your substance.
Then throw yourself on the tomb, kiss it, and recite:
My father and mother be sacrificed for you, O son of the Messenger of Allah!
My father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Abu Abdullah!
Verily terrible was the calamity, and your suffering casts gloom upon all the people of the heavens and the earth.
Therefore, curse of Allah be on the people who saddled up, gave rein to their horses and prepared to kill you.
O my Master, o Abu Abdullah! I moved towards your sacred shrine and came to visit you, I beseech Allah in the name of your honor and your status you enjoy before Him to send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, and keep me with you in this world and in the Hereafter.
Then you should stand up for offering a two-Rak’at prayer next to the place of the Imam’s head. In this prayer, you can recite any Quranic chapter you like. When you finish, you should recite:
O Allah, I have offered a prayer, genuflected, and prostrated myself for sake of You purely particularly, since You have no associate and since none at all is worth of prayer, genuflection, and prostration except You.
O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad, and send them my best greetings and compliment, and send their replies to me.
O Allah, accept this prayer that I have offered as present from me to my master al-Husayn ibn Ali, peace be upon both of them.
O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on him (al-Husayn) and accept my effort and reward me for it in the best rewarding that I anticipate and hope from You and from Your saint. You are surely the Guardian of the faithful ones.
Then, move to the place of the Imam’s legs, stop at the place of the head of Ali ibn al-Husayn, peace be upon them, and recite:
Peace be upon you, O son of the Messenger of Allah.
Peace be upon you, O son of the Prophet of Allah.
Peace be upon you, O son of Amir al-Mu’menin (the commander Of the faithful ones).
Peace be upon you, O son of al-Hussayn the shahid (martyr).
Peace be upon you, O shahid.
Peace be upon you, O the wronged and harassed one and son of the wrong and harassed one.
Curse of Allah be on those who killed you.
Curse of Allah be on those who persecuted you.
Curse of Allah be on those who heard this even but rested satisfied.
You should then throw yourself on the tomb, kiss it, and recite:
Peace be upon you, O the saint of Allah and son of the saint of Allah.
Verily terrible was the calamity, and your suffering casts gloom upon all of Muslims.
So, curse of Allah be on those who killed you, and I disconnect all links with them and turn to Allah and you.
Then you should leave the door at the place of Ali ibn al-Husayn’s legs,direct towards the martyrs, and recite:
Peace be upon all of you, O the saints and dears of Allah.
Peace be upon all of you, O the adorers of Allah and the sincerely attached to Him.
Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of Allah’s religion.
Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of the Messenger of Allah.
Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of Amir al-mu’menin.
Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of Fatimah the chiefess of the women of this world.
Peace be upon all of you, O the helpers of Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Ali the sincere, pure, and faithful saint.
Peace be upon all of you, o the helpers of Abu Abdollah.
My father and mother be sacrificed for you.
Verily, you were pure; therefore, the land wherein you are buried has been purified. You also attained your end and won great fortune.
Would that we were with you, so that we could also share the accomplishment with you.
Would that we were with you, so that we could also share the accomplishment with you.
You should then return to the place where the head of imam al-Husayn, peace be upon him, is buried, supplicate to Allah as much as you can, pray for yourself, your family members, your parents, and your friends, for any prayer in the holy shrine of Imam al-Husayn shall never be rejected or denied.